The Gardening OT

The Gardening OT

Christina Bittle OTD, OTR

Doctor of Occupational Therapy

GROW Founder

An occupational therapist utilizing principles of therapeutic gardening to improve health, well-being, and a sense of community.

What is occupational therapy?

Occupational therapy (OT) is a healthcare profession that focuses on adapting task, environmental, and/or personal factors to help people do the things they need and want to do every day. “Occupational” refers less to paid employment, and more to things that “occupy” our time.


Custom therapeutic garden Programs

Tailored for your organization’s specific needs and goals

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Education on the principles of therapeutic gardening, accessibility, and guidelines for implementation

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Gardening Program Curriculum

Beautifully designed curriculum & materials covering how to care for your garden and yourself in the process

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